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  1. #837
    Mary_Jo3's Avatar
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    After reading these and getting some laughs I am surprise this thread stopped in 2015 with all the complaining going on, maybe everyone is using FB which I am about to drop because I originally got on to keep up with friends and what is going on in their lives, watch their children grow etc but now I'm only allowed 25 people but they can throw every advertisement in the world at me. FB has become one long running commercial that watches everywhere you go then send an ad so they can make more money. Some people have hundreds of friends I have sixty or so adding cousins and their kids and class mates, I hear a friend had a death in the family but I didn't find out until it was all over because she wasn't one of my 25 people!!!
    Wow that feels good.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone, and be kind to one another.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement Gripes worthy of a post but not an entire thread.......
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  3. #838
    Mary_Jo3's Avatar
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    As of today my biggest complaint is, why oh why aren't all the doors for gas on the same side of the car or in the back behind the plate, I swear people hear the gas tax is going up and you would think the world is coming to an end and everyone needs a tank of gas to get out of town. There was a line coming out of the station into the road and cars were cutting each other off. I tried to pull away from the pump and there was a person facing me who wanted my space, as I turned my wheels as far as they would go he pulled up because there was a person behind me wanting my spot too. I just stopped because I couldn't clear him and I couldn't back up and a car pulled up behind the guy facing me so he couldn't back up and he just kept waving me on like I could levitate. So I just sat there with him staring at me waving his hand and the person behind me honked and all I could do was put my car in park. Finally the guy behind me moved to another pump and the person behind him saw the problem and let me move out of the way. I swear people are insane.
    Last edited by Mary_Jo3; 08-05-2019 at 03:17 PM.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone, and be kind to one another.

  4. #839
    Mary_Jo3's Avatar
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    The insanity continues, with the advent of self check out and only 2 checkers available at 4 in the afternoon as people get off work there was almost a knock down drag out in the check out line with a couple of people. You know when the line gets to long and curves and then someone always stands on the other side of the last person who could fit. Then someone files in after the other person and next thing you know there is a Y line. I am going to try to change the times I shop. I can totally understand grocery pickup at store like Walmart.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone, and be kind to one another.

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