Damn Leaky Diapers
I am so tired of washing pee-soaked sheets, blankets and pajamas because of leaky diapers. I've been using Luvs diapers, and I heard that they have some kind of money back guarantee if the diapers leak. Does anyone know about this? I've tried huggies and pampers, and they leak too, but if I could get some money back from luvs that would be great....it would make up for all the extra laundry soap and water I've had to use. I'm just sick of diapers in general. I've been changing diapers for the past 6 1/2 years non-stop, and that's just for my younger ones. I've done diaper duty off and on for over 18 years and I'm ready to retire from it.
01-08-2008 11:05 AM
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Honestly for me the only kind that wouldnt leak was the cheapies from Walmart. Not white cloud or whatever, those were the worst yet. Luvs were HORRIBLE. Huggies were second worse. Its been like 3 years since I bought any, maybe they're called Parents Choice?
Oh yea, pampers were horrible too, I only used Luvs and Pampers once each though, every single diaper in the package ended up leaking. I was like no way in heck am I ever buying those again.
cust service for them is great email the company or call and they will refund and offer you replacement coupons,had the problem with my nephew when he was living here
sittin here lovin my beautiful boys

I agree with free, we also use parent's choice, they are the only ones that don't leak. i have had problems with luvs in the past and emailed them and they have always been very nice and usually send me a few coupons for a free pack or something like that.
I use cheapie diapers during the day (Parent's Choice, White Cloud, Dollar General brand). However, at night, we had major leaks. That's when we switched to Huggies OVERNITES. We haven't had a leak since!!!
I used to swear by Pampers Cruisers. And they are good, but PRICEY. We just got to where we couldn't afford them anymore. I switched to white cloud for a while, then they put fewer in the box for the same price and that ticked me off. My friend and I both use Target's brand and it has been pretty good for us. I have very few night leaks and none in the daytime.
Huggies worked the best for us. All of their styles were great for my kids. I also used White Cloud a few times, they worked good too.
When my little ones were little, I had troubles with leaks, too. I finally got smart, and made the crib up for three changings. I'd use a sheet, over it a LARGE changing pad, a sheet over that, another large changing pad, and then another sheet. When the sheets got wet, I could just pull off the top sheet and pad, and there was another set ready underneath. At 3 a.m. it was a life saver.
Try using cloth diapers. They leak something awful! And then you have to wash them. Ick. I hated every minute of it. That didn't last long...

Originally Posted by
Honestly for me the only kind that wouldnt leak was the cheapies from Walmart. Not white cloud or whatever, those were the worst yet. Luvs were HORRIBLE. Huggies were second worse. Its been like 3 years since I bought any, maybe they're called Parents Choice?
Oh yea, pampers were horrible too, I only used Luvs and Pampers once each though, every single diaper in the package ended up leaking. I was like no way in heck am I ever buying those again.
yep parents choice are the best ones for us too........if you have problems with huggies or pampers usually you can phone or email them and you get a coupon of course for the leaky brands again LOL but those are ok usually for daytime use
Mom I miss you already
January 16, 1940 to April 29, 2009
I can't stand Luvs. They would always leak. Parents choice worked great no more leaks after I changed.
Handle every stressful situation like a dog.
Piss on it and walk away.
I only used Pampers cruisers. Every baby I knew that wore Huggies smelled like pee. My only advice is make sure they are tight enough and the right size.
I must have got lucky, but I never had trouble with leaks. I never used anything other than the cruisers though. I bet every baby is different.