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    Why do people still trust the government at all? I too have HPV. Hubby does not. After 30 years of marriage, he does not have HPV. Yes, we had sex. I have 4 boys to prove it. Also, if there are 90+ strains, why immunize for only 2 or 4 of them. Everything comes with risk. MMR, polio, etc have risks, including medications. We are to be informed of the risks associated with our shots, meds, surgeries and then decide for ourselves, which or what if anything is right for us. Not the government. There are many meds I will not take because I am not willing to accept the possible side effects. Like Humira, I will live with RA before having to worry about the side effects of infections and cancer. Looks like this future gram-mama is home schooling the little one(s).


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    Circuit advertisement They are wanting to make the HPV vaccine mandatory in schools
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    Katie Couric Upsets Liberal Media By Questioning Cervical Cancer Vaccine Given to Young Girls
    By Tim Graham | December 7, 2013

    Katie Couric put herself on the wrong side of liberals Wednesday with a show questioning the safety of the Gardasil vaccine to prevent the Human Papilloma Virus that causes cervical cancer.

    Liberals have pushed parents of junior-high girls to get the vaccine with the assumption that they’ll be sexually active at 12. The Los Angeles Times reported former Newsweek media reporter Seth Mnookin was the first journalist to get upset:

    The outcry began Tuesday with a blog post from science writer Seth Mnookin, who had spoken extensively with a "Katie" producer who assured him the segment would not be alarmist. Mnookin was therefore troubled by the sensationalistic teaser for the episode:
    "The HPV vaccine is considered a life-saving cancer preventer … but is it a potentially deadly dose for girls?
    Michael Specter of The New Yorker, a former reporter for both The New York Times and The Washington Post, tweeted
    “The shameful @katiecouric HPV vaccine show was a model of dangerously misinformed reporting. Katie, your credibility is gone.”
    Time magazine went for the jugular:
    “Is Katie Couric the new Jenny McCarthy?”
    McCarthy has argued autism is caused by vaccines.

    The journalists were upset at the tilt and panic of the segment. Have you ever noticed these "science" defenders don't get upset when we're warned the planet is facing a "deadly dose" of human activity causing catastrophic global warming?

    Couric and her staff weren’t apologizing in an update on the show’s website:

    While many appreciated us raising the topic, others were critical of us for providing what they felt was a disproportionate amount of time to two families who faced the rare circumstances of seeing their children’s health deteriorate after receiving Gardasil. The health problems may or may not be linked to the vaccine.

    For those of you who watched the show, you know we presented the facts supporting the potential of the vaccine and that Katie’s own daughters received the vaccine. This is an important personal decision to be made in consultation with your doctor and other family advisors...

    We do not want to leave our viewers with an irrational fear of the vaccine and for that reason we’re going to continue the conversation and invite a number of medical experts, journalists and scientists to weigh in here, on our site. We’ll keep you posted!


    Again the Liberals will not tolerate anyone questioning their" say so" on any matter. Same story. different day.


    I know the jury is still out on vaccinations and autism; however, as someone who has worked with special needs children for over three decades, I have heard many parents lament that their child was normal until vaccinated. It does make one wonder. I know this is anecdotal evidence. I don't trust vaccinations.
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    Katie Couric apologizes for HPV segment criticized as 'anti-vaccine'
    Dec. 10, 2013, 1:48 PM EST - By Brent Lang

    Katie Couric said she regrets devoting too much of a recent "Katie" segment to the adverse effects of HPV vaccinations — and not enough time to their relative safety and effectiveness.

    The talk show host has received blistering criticism in the media, with detractors claiming she gave too much credence to vaccine critics and did not emphasize scientific studies suggesting HPV vaccines such as Gardasil are highly effective.

    "Following the show, and in fact before it even aired, there was criticism that the program was too anti-vaccine and anti-science, and in retrospect, some of that criticism was valid," Couric said in an opinion piece Tuesday on the Huffington Post. "We simply spent too much time on the serious adverse events that have been reported in very rare cases following the vaccine. More emphasis should have been given to the safety and efficacy of the HPV vaccines."

    Couric's program reported that there was an "HPV-vaccine controversy" and featured interviews with a mother who claimed her daughter's death was caused by the vaccination; and another mother-daughter who linked a nausea- and fatigue-related illness to the treatment. Only one guest, Dr. Mallika Marshall, was interviewed from the pro-vaccination camp.

    Media critics pounced.

    Time's Alexandra Sifferlin, for instance, likened Couric to Jenny McCarthy, the former Playboy model and "View" co-host who has been criticized for her anti-vaccine views.

    Politico's Tara Haelle implied that Couric was resorting to pseudo-science in an effort to stop her program's ratings decline, writing that the host had opted "& to trade a history of responsible reporting for irresponsible scaremongering."

    And the Los Angeles Times' Michael Hiltzik said Couric put the anti-vaccination movement in the mainstream, writing, "Daytime talk shows like Couric's thrive on conflict and controversy, but injecting doubt and emotionalism into important medical discussions and removing science from the arena is playing with fire."

    Couric, who lost her husband to colon cancer and has been an advocate for research related to the illness, said the show's goal was to help parents make informed decisions.

    "I know there is a segment of the population that has expressed intense concern over vaccines in general and that this is an emotional issue for some," Couric wrote. "But based on the science, my personal view is that the benefits of the HPV vaccine far outweigh its risks. That is why, as I said on my show, I had my own two daughters vaccinated against HPV. I hope that other parents will look at the research and the facts, and make a reasoned decision on the HPV vaccine and what is best for their children."
    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    Lead Developer Of HPV Vaccines Comes Clean, Warns Parents & Young Girls It’s All A Giant Deadly Scam

     June 7, 2016

    Dr. Diane Harper was a leading expert responsible for the Phase II and Phase III safety and effectiveness studies which secured the approval of the human papilloma virus (HPV) vaccines, Gardasil™ and Cervarix™. Dr. Harper also authored many of the published, scholarly papers about the vaccines. She is now the latest in a long string of experts who are pressing the red alert buttonon the devastating consequences and irrelevancy of these vaccines. Dr. Harper made her surprising confession at the 4th International Converence on Vaccination which took place in Reston, Virginia. Her speech, which was originally intended to promote the benefits of the vaccines, took a 180-degree turn when she chose instead to clean her conscience about the deadly vaccines so she “could sleep at night”. The following is an excerpt from a story by Sarah Cain:

    “Dr. Harper explained in her presentation that the cervical cancer risk in the U.S. is already extremely low, and that vaccinations are unlikely to have any effect upon the rate of cervical cancer in the United States. In fact, 70% of all HPV infections resolve themselves without treatment in a year, and the number rises to well over 90% in two years. Harper also mentioned the safety angle. All trials of the vaccines were done on children aged 15 and above, despite them currently being marketed for 9-year-olds. So far, 15,037 girls have reported adverseside effects from Gardasil™ alone to the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS), and this number only reflects parents who underwent the hurdles required for reporting adverse reactions. At the time of writing, 44 girls are officially known to have died from these vaccines. The reported side effects include Guillian BarrĂ© Syndrome (paralysis lasting for years, or permanently — sometimes eventually causing suffocation), lupus, seizures, blood clots, and brain inflammation. Parents are usually not made aware of these risks. Dr. Harper, the vaccine developer, claimed that she was speaking out, so that she might finally be able to sleep at night. ’About eight in every ten women who have been sexually active will have HPV at some stage of their life,’ Harper says. ’Normally there are no symptoms, and in 98 per cent of cases it clears itself. But in those cases where it doesn’t, and isn’t treated, it can lead to pre-cancerous cells which may develop into cervical cancer.’”

    Although these two vaccines are marketed as protection against cervical cancer, this claim is purely hypothetical. Studies have proven “there is no demonstrated relationship between the condition being vaccinated for and the rare cancers that the vaccine might prevent, but it is marketed to do that nonetheless. In fact, there is no actual evidence that the vaccine can prevent any cancer. From the manufacturers own admissions, the vaccine only works on 4 strains out of 40 for a specific venereal disease that dies on its own in a relatively short period, so the chance of it actually helping an individual is about about the same as the chance of her being struck by a meteorite.”
    UPDATE #1: Since coming forward with the truth about the devastating consequences of the HPV vaccine, Dr. Harper has been victim of a relentless campaign attempting to discredit the validity of her claims. Harper was even misquoted by British tabloid The Sunday Express which printed a false story loaded with fabricated quotations attributed to Harper. In an interview with The Guardian, Harper makes it very clear about what exactly she said in order to protect herself from a potential lawsuit. In an interview with CBS NEWS, Harper clarifies her position, and once again makes it crystal clear just how devastating this vaccine can be: “If we vaccinate 11 year olds and the protection doesn’t last … we’ve put them at harm from side effects, small but real, for no benefit,” says Dr. Harper. “The benefit to public health is nothing, there is no reduction incervical cancers, they are just postponed, unless the protection lasts for at least 15 years, and over 70% of all sexually active females of all ages are vaccinated.” She also says that enough serious side effects have been reported after Gardasil use that the vaccine could prove riskier than the cervical cancer it purports to prevent. Cervical cancer is usually entirely curable when detected early through normal Pap screenings.

    “The risks of serious adverse events including death reported after Gardasil use in (the JAMA article by CDC’s Dr. Barbara Slade) were 3.4/100,000 doses distributed,” Harper tells CBS NEWS. ”The rate of serious adverse events on par with the death rate of cervical cancer. Gardasil has been associated with at least as many serious adverse events as there are deaths from cervical cancer developing each year. Indeed, the risks of vaccination are underreported in Slade’s article, as they are based on a denominator of doses distributed from Merck’s warehouse. Up to a third of those doses may be in refrigerators waiting to be dispensed as the autumn onslaught of vaccine messages is sent home to parents the first day of school. Should the denominator in Dr. Slade’s work be adjusted to account for this, and then divided by three for the number of women who would receive all three doses, the incidence rate of serious adverse events increases up to five fold. How does a parent value that information,” said Harper.

    “Parents and women must know that deaths occurred,” Harper tells CBS NEWS. “Not all deaths that have been reported were represented in Dr. Slade’s work, one-third of the death reports were unavailable to the CDC, leaving the parents of the deceased teenagers in despair that the CDC is ignoring the very rare but real occurrences that need not have happened if parents were given information stating that there are real, but small risks of death surrounding the administration of Gardasil.” She also worries that Merck’s aggressive marketing of the vaccine may have given women a false sense of security. “The future expectations women hold because they have received free doses of Gardasil purchased by philanthropic foundations, by public health agencies or covered by insurance is the true threat to cervical cancer in the future. Should women stop Pap screening after vaccination, the cervical cancer rate will actually increase per year. Should women believe this is preventive for all cancers — something never stated, but often inferred by many in the population — a reduction in all health care will compound our current health crisis. Should Gardasil not be effective for more than 15 years, the most costly public health experiment in cancer control will have failed miserably.” Harper notes that her concern for the vaccine’s deadly side effects applies only to women in the Western world. ”Of course, in developing countries where there is no safety Pap screening for women repeatedly over their lifetimes, the risks of serious adverse events may be acceptable as the incidence rate of cervical cancer is five to 12 times higher than in the US, dwarfing the risk of death reported after Gardasil.”
    UPDATE #2: The National Vaccine Information Center HAS CONFIRMED two virologists, Stephen Krahling and Joan Wlochowski have filed a lawsuit against their former employer and vaccine manufacturer Merck. NVIC writes: “The lawsuit alleges that Merck defrauded the U.S. for over 10 years by overstating the MMR vaccine’s effectivenes. The virologists claim in their lawsuit that they ‘Witnessed firsthand the improper testing and data falseification in which Merck engaged to artificially inflate the vaccine’s efficacy findings.” NVIC president and co-founder, Barbara Loe Fisher, warns of the disturbingly cozy relationship and overwhelming conflict of interest between federal agencies charged with vaccine safety oversight (such as the Centers for Disease Control) and vaccine manufacturers. Merck’s global vaccine sales total more than $20 BILLION A YEAR.
    As the world’s pharmaceutical giants continue to be driven less by moral accountability and more by profit and shareholder-driven bottom lines, we are going to see more and more products such as this vaccine which are marketed as “essential to one’s survival.” While some vaccines are indeed essential, such as vaccines for polio and measles, the HPV vaccine is a new beast entirely. To learn more about how pharmaceutical giants are putting profits ahead of ethics you need to watch FRONTLINE’s terrifying new documentary “Hunting The Nightmare Bacteria.”
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    Laissez les bon temps rouler! Going to church doesn't make you a Christian any more than standing in a garage makes you a car.** a 4 day work week & sex slaves ~ I say Tyt for PRESIDENT! Not to be taken internally, literally or seriously ....Suki ebaynni IS THAT BETTER ?

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    I am paranoid but I firmly believe the Gov and Big Pharm are testing this drug on our children, who knows what will happen when they are at the age to have children of their own? Big Pharm monitors itself, they test their products and tell the FDA what the results are. If I had children I would not give them this vaccine, others yes, this one no.
    Keep your hands to yourself, leave other people's things alone, and be kind to one another.

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