Synopsis: The fierce warrior Achilles leads Greek forces in the Trojan War, ignited when Paris abducts Helen of Troy.
**PART 1**
What did Achillies do to kill Boagrius during their fight, after Boagrius threw a spear towards him?
Stabbed him in his neck with a sword
What did Achilles do after Eudorus suggested it may not be wise to offend Apollo at the Trojan temple of Apollo?
Sliced the head off a statue
What did Achilles do to Briseis after finding her imprisoned in his tent?
Untied her to show she shouldn't fear him
What did Achilles ask Patroclus to do instead of fighting, before landing on the shores of Troy?
Stay back to guard the ship
What did Agamemnon ask Hector to do in regards to Troy to prevent a major war?
Submit the city's soldiers to his bidding
What does Agamemnon suggest doing to settle a war the "old-fashioned way" when talking with Triopas in Thessaly, Greece?
Pit each army's best fighter against each other
What did Hector accuse Achilles of doing to desecrate the Trojan temple of Apollo?
Killing priests that were inside
What did Priam do for Paris after Paris said he would challenge Menelaus to a duel over Helen?
Gave him their family's ancient sword
What did Priam ask Helen to do before the Greeks marched from the beach to in front of Troy's walls?
Sit in a seat next to him
What was Thetis doing when she told Achilles that if he fought in the Trojan War he would never return?
Collecting seashells to make a necklace
**PART 2**
What did Achilles tell Priam he would do when Priam visited Achilles in his tent?
Allow nobody to attack his city for days
What did Achilles do after killing Hector in front of Troy's walls?
Dragged his body behind a chariot
What did Briseis threaten to do to Achilles in his tent on the beach in the middle of the night?
Slice his throat with his knife
What did Briseis do to kill Agamemnon, as he told her that she'd be a slave scrubbing his floors during the day?
Stabbed him with a dagger
What did Hector do that ended the early morning battle on the beach between Troy and Greece?
Slit the throat of Patroclus
What did Helen do as Paris told her that he was a coward and everyone in Troy thought he was a coward following his fight with Menelaus?
Tended to a wound on his leg
What did Paris do to Menelaus that violated a deal sparking an all-out war between Troy and Greece?
Crawled away from him refusing to die
What did Paris do to kill Achilles, while Troy was being ransacked, despite protests from Briseis?
Shot him in the chest with arrows
What did Polydora do with Helen to escape Troy after the Greeks breached Troy's walls?
Took her through a secret tunnel
What did the Trojan army do to the Greek army's campsite during the night?
Flung flaming projectiles at them
07-28-2016 10:58 AM
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