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    Survivor : The Devils We Know

    Synopsis: The castaways change things up in a tribe switch.

    What were Jason and Nick helping each other do, while they discussed possibly forming an alliance with Cydney and Michele?
    Pour water in a canister

    What did Jeff Probst tell Peter that he couldn't do, while the Gondol tribe sat in Tribal Council?
    Trust a "single thing" he heard

    What did Jeff Probst say that the contestants would be doing, after reminding them about an absent Caleb?
    Realigning into new tribes

    What did Jeff Probst explain that two contestants from each tribe would have to do during the first stage of the Immunity Challenge?
    Swim out to retrieve a net

    What did Joseph say he had been doing before Peter offered his advice as a doctor?
    Soaking a cut on his finger in salt water
    Buff (headwear)

    What did Julia say she did, while she was alone at camp, before talking about her paranoia getting worse?
    Felt her body shutting down

    What did Neal do before discovering a clue to obtain a key to unlock a box that housed an Immunity Idol?
    Dug up dirt near a tree

    What did Neil and Debbie do in the last leg of the Immunity Challenge, before Jeff Probst announced that their tribe won?
    Maneuver a ball into a hole (Actually it was a fish puzzle)

    What did Tai do, after he and the Gondol tribe arrived back at their base camp for the first time?
    Pointed out a mango tree

    What was Tai doing, before Scot talked to him about blindsiding Anna at the Tribal Council?
    Eating from a coconut

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