The Flash : Escape From Earth-2
Synopsis: While on Earth-2, the team receives help from a surprising source as they search for Zoom's lair; on Earth-1, Caitlin works to perfect Velocity-9 so Jay can vanquish the Geomancer.
What did Barry-2 do before he divulged the possible location of Killer Frost?
Used an algorithm on a computer
What did Caitlin do to stop Geomancer from attacking Iris in S.T.A.R. Labs?
Shot an electrocuting collar around his neck
What did Det. West do to stabilize a vortex created by Jay in S.T.A.R. Labs?
Flipped override switches
What did Dr. Wells, Cisco, and Barry-2 do to hide after Zoom entered a time vault?
Stood behind a generated wall
What did Dr. Wells, Cisco, Iris-2, and Barry-2 do after Killer Frost refused to divulge Zoom's location and attacked them?
Ducked behind a log in a forest
What did Dr. Wells do after he heard Barry-2 in distress over a video feed, after learning from Cisco that Reverb had been killed?
Unlocked handcuffs on his wrists
What did Killer Frost do to help Jesse escape from Zoom's lair, before Zoom arrived and tried to stop them?
Disconnected a chain holding her
What did Killer Frost do to help Dr. Wells, Cisco, Iris-2, and Barry-2, reach Zoom's lair?
Created foot holds to climb a cliff side
What did Jay do while rescuing civilians from an earthquake, before Iris said she had interview information she needed?
Made trips into a collapsing building
What did the man in the iron mask do while Jesse and the Flash determined that he was trying to communicate by a five-by-five grid system?
Tapped rhythmically on glass
In a sponsored segment during this show, what were you encouraged to do on a fan Web site for "The Flash," before a communication provider was noted?
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02-17-2016 07:31 AM
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