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    The Real Housewives of Atlanta : Beauties and the Beat

    Synopsis: Kandi and Todd prepare for the baby's arrival with a parenting course; Phaedra and Ayden get crafty to celebrate Apollo's birthday while he's in prison; Kim invites her friends to a makeup-free brunch, where they express their opinions on beauty.

    What did Cynthia do while at her business meeting, after she told Terrance that he had "violated and offended" her meeting?
    Gave him new sunglasses

    What did Cynthia do after she told Kim and Kenya that she wanted them to direct her commercial?
    Planned a group trip to Jamaica

    What did Kim say that she did while explaining why she was not interested in codirecting Cynthia’s commercial while at a café?
    Felt that she had a negative atmosphere

    What did Kim do while sitting next to Cynthia at a café, before she told Cynthia that she did not want to codirect a commercial?
    Pitched two concept sketches

    What did Kim do after she gifted a compact mirror and a journal to the housewives at her brunch party?
    Encouraged them to write a poem

    What did Kim jokingly do after Phaedra arrived at her "beatless" brunch party?
    Asked her to leave her eyelashes at the door

    What did Kim say that she did after Victoria asked about Sebastian, after Kim said that he was halfway through third grade?
    Displayed his spelling words

    What did Phaedra do after she told Ayden that they needed to make Apollo a birthday card?
    Looked through printed photographs

    What did Porsha do after India fixed her makeup, after Swan arrived?
    Accepted a stack of stories

    What did Todd do after Margaret handed him male plastic doll, after Kandi said that she wanted to breastfeed their baby for a few months?
    Practiced changing his diaper

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