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    Criminal Minds : Entropy

    Synopsis: Reid plays a central role in the BAU's elaborate plan to take down a ring of hit men known as the Dirty Dozen.

    What did Cat do while she was playing a "game" with Dr. Reid, after she said that wanted to ask him a set of questions?
    Started a timer on his cell phone

    What did the "chemist" do during a scene from one of his missions, before a man collapsed in the bathroom?
    Replaced his silver briefcase

    What did Dr. Reid do while he was sitting at the table with Cat, after Cat requested a sign of his commitment to her?
    Took off his wedding ring

    What did Dr. Reid reveal that his mother did, before he worried about experiencing the same situation?
    Suffered from an early on-set of dementia

    What did Dr. Reid do that stopped Cat from leaving the restaurant, after saying that he had a trump card to use?
    Claimed that he found her father

    What did Dr. Reid do by himself at night, before he recited a quote about entropy made by Vaclav Havel?
    Sat down on a swing in the park

    What did Dr. Reid do during her conversation with Cat, after he pleaded with Rossi to stand down from apprehending Cat?
    Explained why he took time off

    What did Garcia do in a video feed Barry was watching, before the FBI raided the safe house and rescued him?
    Showed him messages written on white cards

    What did Morgan do when he approached a female at the bar, before Dr. Lewis slammed her face into the counter?
    Wrestled a cell phone from her hand

    What did Rossi and J.J. do while they were investigating the restaurant, before Cat boasted that it looked like she won from where she was sitting?
    Spotted explosive charges on a gas pipe

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