Thread: King Kong

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    King Kong

    Synopsis: Members of a film crew encounter prehistoric beasts and a gigantic ape on mysterious Skull Island.

    ✿✿ PART 1 ✿✿

    What did Ann Darrow do in hopes of distracting King Kong from killing her after she had been captured by him?
    Turned a few cartwheels and danced

    What did Ann Darrow discover that Jack Driscoll did just before he kissed her for the first time?
    Wrote a stage comedy for her

    What did Bruce Baxter do to decorate his cabin on the ship?
    Hung up posters from his films

    What did Captain Englehorn do when he discovered that there was a warrant out for Carl Denham's arrest?
    Changed the course of the ship

    What did Carl Denham do after the movie executives asked him to leave the screening room?
    Listened through the door with a glass

    What did Carl Denham vow to do to commemorate Mike's death?
    Donate proceeds to his family

    What did Carl Denham do after he saw Ann Darrow at a fruit stand on the street?
    Paid for an apple she picked up

    What did Herb want Carl Denham to do before Herb was eaten by a dinosaur?
    Take the tripod out of his hands

    What did Jimmy beg Hayes to let him do on Skull Island to help bring Ann Darrow back?
    Carry a gun in the search party

    What did the movie cast and crew do as the ship's crew struggled to repair damage to the ship just after arriving at Skull Island?
    Took a rowboat to the shore

    In a sponsored segment during this show, what innovation did Jimmy Jean-Louis of "Heroes Reborn" say that an oil company supported the development of, before he asked if your idea could change the world?
    Gravity-powered light that removed the risk of fire and toxic fumes

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    ✿✿ PART 2 ✿✿

    What did Ann Darrow do to cheer up King Kong when he seemed to become depressed at sunset on Skull Island?
    Juggled some rocks for him

    What did Carl Denham do while onstage with King Kong to impress the theatre audience with his bravery ?
    Rested one hand on the beast

    What did Carl Denham do that finally brought down King Kong when he came to the boat to retrieve Ann Darrow?
    Hit him in the face with a chloroform bottle

    What did Jack Driscoll do to rescue Ann Darrow after King Kong woke up in the middle of his attempt?
    Hitched a ride on a flying bat creature

    What did Jack Driscoll do in order to draw King Kong away from all of the crowds in the city?
    Led him on a chase in a taxi

    What did King Kong do to defeat the final Tyrannosaurus that threatened Ann Darrow?
    Snapped it's jaws with his hand

    What did King Kong do in the theatre that panicked the crowd and sent them all running for the exits?
    Broke an arm free from his steel restraints

    What did King Kong do in Times Square after he had finally freed himself from his captors?
    Began tossing around random women

    What did King Kong do to an airplane that flew too low as they fired upon him atop the Empire State Building?
    Leapt up and snapped off a wing

    What did a Tyrannosaurus do to King Kong as he held onto Ann Darrow just before they all fell off a cliff?
    Bit him on his right foot

    In a sponsored segment during this show, what did Greg Grunberg from "Heroes Reborn" say that students were doing that was supported by an oil company, which would benefit and inspire the future?
    Competing in a marathon, before a man created a gear that was printed by a computer for a car that would meet growing energy challenges

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