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    The Flash : The Man Who Saved Central City

    Synopsis: Still feeling responsible for Eddie's death, Barry pushes his friends away and tries to protect the city on his own; Cisco assists Joe with the Meta Task Force.

    What happened as Eobard was erased from existence after Eddie died, in a scene from a previous episode?
    Cracks of light spread across his body

    What was Atom Smasher doing when Flash showed up and said he wouldn't let Atom Smasher hurt anyone?
    Absorbing radiation from barrels

    What did Atom Smasher do after Det. West tried to use the boot to stop him on Flash Day?
    Grew in size in seconds

    What did Caitlyn and Barry do, after he mentioned Dr. Wells's living will and that he was "too afraid" to do it alone?
    Watched a video confession he had recorded

    What did Cisco notice that Barry did after he said he didn't need to let Cisco and Prof. Stein find out how to stop Atom Smasher?
    Left his comm system

    What did Cisco do when he entered Caitlin's workspace at Mercury Labs?
    Commented on the security

    What did Flash do, before Atom Smasher fell and Flash asked why Atom Smasher wanted to kill him?
    Trapped him in a room

    What did Henry admit that he couldn't do, while he was talking to Barry at his welcome home party?
    Stay and live with him

    What did Iris do while trying to convince Barry to go to Flash Day, while they were in CC Jitters?
    Handed him a flyer

    What was Mayor Bellows about to do to honor Flash on Flash Day in Central City, when Atom Smasher tossed an object toward them?
    Give him a gate key

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