Face Off : Intergalactic Zoo
Synopsis: Two teams of artists construct original alien animals that incorporate two models into one large creation.
What did Ben say his and Jordan's alien animal did, according to the concept they made up surrounding it, before Glenn Hetrick said he "loved" it?
Lived within a cave
What did Glenn Hetrick say he liked best about Ben and Jordan's alien animal, after he announced Ben as the Spotlight Challenge winner?
Paint job was detailed and graphic
What did Jordan do to create a rocky texture as he made his and Ben's alien animal's body during the "Molding Phase"?
Covered foam with aluminum foil
What did Kevon say his and Omar's models did, before Ve Neill said their alien animal was "cartoony"?
Opened up sides of a clamshell
What did Libby do before Stevie said their alien animal was going to be "bug-like"?
Sketched it in a sketchbook
What did McKenzie Westmore, in footage from an upcoming episode, say the contestants would have to do, before Stevie said she was "so excited"?
Shoot a short film on location
Fiat 500
What did Michael Westmore say he disliked about Sidney and Evan's creation, during the "Sculpting Phase"?
Mask shape was too symmetrical
What did Neville Page suggest Sidney and Evan do while creating their alien animal, which he said would change its silhouette?
Add a "sensory appendage"
What did Sidney do, during the "Application Phase," after he said the cowl did not properly fit his and Evan's model?
Stuffed chunks of mattress foam into it
What did Stevie say she wished she had done, after she and Libby finished dressing their models at the end of "Last Looks"?
Covered them with fabric
In a "Contestant Comeback Moment" segment during this show, what did a contestant on "Face Off" say happened when she was growing up, after an insurance company was noted?
Endured a lot of bullying and lacked friends
Liberty Mutual
07-29-2015 06:54 AM
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