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    Quote Originally Posted by bonniejeanne View Post
    Anyone else having trouble with their completed survey today not marking off the to do list? Stupid MP.
    Mine checked off when I completed my profile questions for points.
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    Bingo Board: 35 points for the 5th column, or 35 points for the perimeter......but you have to enter the sweepstakes for Amazon gift card, and that's 25 points. WTH is the point then? 10 lousy points! smh

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    Quote Originally Posted by bonniejeanne View Post
    Anyone else having trouble with their completed survey today not marking off the to do list? Stupid MP.

    I just completed my first survey, and it marked off on the To Do List.

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3lilpigs View Post
    How much longer are you in Europe? I suggest stop doing Mypoints until you get home. Last week I read some comments/ complaints (either on Reddit, BBB, etc ..) where someone had been banned because they were trying to sign in from another country. Something about their software not recognizing where you're signing in from ....some type of security violation. I can't remember exactly what it was, but that person ended up being banned and was having a hard time getting reinstated.

    They want you to send a photo of your driver's license for proof of who you are, and I wouldn't be willing to do that.
    Wow I didn't know that. I was only trying to do a few things, not necessarily get points, just so they don't think I quit mypoints and close my account. I guess I'll just access my home computers every few days and answer the poll or add a receipt or something so they know I am still alive.
    "If I don't write it down, it doesn't happen."

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    So today I went onto MP and went to do a short survey -- 2pts. Then I noticed my To-do list had things checked off -- I hadn't even done anything yet except the survey. They credited my survey that has been pending since July for 1020 pts (28 days early!). The only problem -- I still only have 2 pts in my Daily Goal for finishing the survey. I put in a ticket. If this had credited on the day I did it, I would have gotten credit in my goals. I told them they have found a new way to cheat us.


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    Quote Originally Posted by kjwent View Post
    So today I went onto MP and went to do a short survey -- 2pts. Then I noticed my To-do list had things checked off -- I hadn't even done anything yet except the survey. They credited my survey that has been pending since July for 1020 pts (28 days early!). The only problem -- I still only have 2 pts in my Daily Goal for finishing the survey. I put in a ticket. If this had credited on the day I did it, I would have gotten credit in my goals. I told them they have found a new way to cheat us.

    I never get credited to my daily goal, for pending surveys. I don't get credit the day I took it, and I don't get credit the day it posts.

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    Yeah -- they tried to tell me I got credit on the Daily Goal on the day I took the survey. "Please know that all pending credits from Shopping, Disco, Magic Receipts (Approved & Pending), and Surveys will now count towards your Daily Goal on the very same day they pend. For more information, you can check this link: MyPoints Daily Goal - How It Works."

    I had all kinds of screen shots, which I sent to them today. I told them maybe THEY should review "Daily Goals -- how they work" because they don't work. Nothing got credited to the Daily Goal.

    Can't wait for their nonsense reply.


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    Their response: "I understand how frustrating it must be to not see the points reflected in your Daily Goal.

    You completed the survey on July 10, 2024, but the credit was applied on September 11, 2024. While the points were credited on September 11, they were added to your Daily Goal meter on July 10."

    I told them that was BS. Show me the Daily Goal meter -- notice that's one thing we cannot see! I said if I had made 1020 pts on my Daily Goal I would not have bother trying all the surveys for their measly 5 DQ points. I had a total of 35 points that day. My goal was probably 30. I made it, I quit.

    They are so full of crap.


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    It might register on some peoples Daily Goal meter, but it sure as heck doesn't on mine!! If it did, we'd get that pop up with the confetti.

    And if it's pending, why would they give us credit before it posts anyhow? Isn't the purpose of them pending so they can make sure the survey has legit responses??

    I'm guessing it was Alex of Dave that answered, right?

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    Quote Originally Posted by 3lilpigs View Post
    It might register on some peoples Daily Goal meter, but it sure as heck doesn't on mine!! If it did, we'd get that pop up with the confetti.

    And if it's pending, why would they give us credit before it posts anyhow? Isn't the purpose of them pending so they can make sure the survey has legit responses??

    I'm guessing it was Alex of Dave that answered, right?
    No -- I had Adrian.

    OK -- get this. Today, my 46 pt pending survey credited. And I got credit in my Daily Goal. Yup confetti and everything.

    So I sent them this: And here is my other pending survey, 46 pts, being credited today and I was given the pts on my Daily Goal. Not on 9/5 when I did the survey. Where does that leave all your arguments?

    Here was the response I got from Craig: I understand your frustration regarding the credit for your survey. The reason you didn't see the points reflected in your Daily Goal on the day you completed the survey is that you had to write in to receive the credit. When credits are applied manually after a request, they affect the Daily Goal on the day they are credited, not the day the survey was completed. This is different from naturally pending credits, which count towards the Daily Goal on the day they pend.

    Thank you for your understanding.

    Does anyone understand what the hell they are doing over there? I responded: Are you people absolutely insane? You give us hell for too many tickets and then you say we have to beg you for pennies?

    I know I'm going to be banned at some point for being too confrontational, but DAMN, they are nuts!


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    Wow.....that is just absolutely crazy! When did THAT rule come out?

    When credits are applied manually after a request...........
    HAHAHA....yeah right!! How's that supposed to happen when they tell you every freaking survey you send in a help tickets for, is DISQUALIFIED!!

    They're all full of ****. I'm pretty sure they're just making up the rules as they go along.

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