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    IWG for misc prizes -- Grand prz trip to Sicily -- exp 8-31

    Instant Win Prizes:

    FIFTEEN (15) PERONI BRANDED APERITIVO BASKET PRIZES: Peroni branded aperitivo basket. All details including but not limited to color, size, and material to be determined by Sponsor. ARV: $78.

    TWENTY-FIVE (25) BAG PRIZES: Peroni branded sling bag. All details including but not limited to color, size, and material to be determined by Sponsor. ARV: $48

    ONE HUNDRED (100) VENMO PRIZES: $15 transferred into winner’s Venmo account. Venmo payments are subject to the Venmo User Agreement, including but not limited to the requirement that each Venmo account must be in good standing, and that payments must be claimed within thirty (30) days of the date offered or they will be forfeited. Sponsor will not reissue any unclaimed Venmo Payments. ARV: $15

    Sweepstakes Prizes:

    ONE (1) GRAND PRIZE: A trip to Sicily for winner and one (1) guest (aged at least 21 years old at the time of the trip).



  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement IWG for misc prizes -- Grand prz trip to Sicily -- exp 8-31
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