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    The CASTROL NFL Super Bowl Ticket Sweepstakes --Jan 5, 2023


    Grand Prize: There is one (1) Grand Prize available to be won.

    Grand Prize consists of a trip for two (2), winner and one (1) guest, to Phoenix, Arizona to the 2023 Super Bowl in the State Farm Stadium in Glendale, Arizona​ from February 10-13, 2023. Prize package will include:

    - Round-trip, coach-class airfare for two (2) from a major airport within the 48 contiguous US;
    - Three (3) nights hotel accommodations at a hotel of Sponsor’s choice; and
    - Two (2) tickets to the 2023 Super Bowl (“Event Tickets”);
    - $300 food stipend awarded in the form of a check/prepaid gift card.
    - The total ARV of the Grand Prize is: $16,400.

    First Prizes: There are five (5) First Prizes available to be won.

    Each First Prize winner will receive one (1) $500 NFLShop.com electronic gift card. The ARV of Grand Prize: $500 each.

    The total ARV of all prizes available to be won: $18,900.

  2. # ADS
    Circuit advertisement The CASTROL NFL Super Bowl Ticket Sweepstakes --Jan 5, 2023
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