View Full Version : I challange everyone to do a Reverse Advent Calendar

10-10-2019, 08:34 AM
If you start buying early while on sale it shouldn't cost much at all but may make all the difference to someone in need.
I did this last year and another one for Lent. These are suggestions you may want to call the organization you are donating to for a list of things they need. I donate to the senior center because many won't go to regular food banks, I've heard them say they won't take food out of the mouths of children, many feel targeted as someone could follow them as they are an easy mark due to their age. I plan on doing one for Thanksgiving, one for Christmas and one for Easter along with the items I get but won't use through couponing and Ibotta. It's amazing what I've been able to accomplish with this app. Last year an Alzheimer facility in the next town over was asking for liquid body wash, it makes it easier to bath the residents, I was lucky enough to have 6 bottles I got free after coupons and Easy Care Bucks from CVS over the summer. Any donation no matter how small might make the difference between someone having to decide if they should paying the utilities or buy food and medicine. My personal choice, the Senior Center, is because we owe the Greatest Generation everything and there are so few of them left, I am at the tail end of the baby boomers. I hope I will never need something like this and I'm sure they never thought they would need something like this but with the cost of medical care and prescriptions it's something they could never have predicted.

11-24-2019, 11:44 PM
I dropped off my Thanksgiving bags to the senior center last week, they happily accepted the unopened bar soap and toothpaste I collected from my FIL's house. 4 boxes of Polident, cups of noodles, canned goods, pasta and sauce and bottles of Ensure. This week I want to get that can of coffee dropped off to the mission, they have coffee hour for when the homeless are asked to leave the shelter for the day, it give them something warm to drink. I learn more everytime I visit one of these places, I am overcome by the shear volume of people who come for help and how just donating 1 thing could make such an impact.

11-25-2019, 05:25 PM
Every year, the company I work for does a food drive, and Toys For Tots donations. I shop Aldi's for the food drive, because I can get so much more than I could at regular grocery store.

A few weeks ago, I was in Kentucky and one of their Kmarts was closing. :(
I got a bunch of summer toys at 60% off for the Toys For Tots. Then this past weekend, Dollar General was having 50% off puzzles and games, so I got a few more things.

I wish that the people who organize these such things, would also do it throughout the year, instead of just Christmas and Thanksgiving. Homeless shelters need food all year long...and from what you're saying about senior centers, it seems they do too. They shouldn't just ask for things around 2 certain holidays.