View Full Version : Into the Storm

10-12-2016, 05:58 AM
Synopsis: Professional storm-chasers run toward danger to track a series of deadly tornadoes menacing a town over the course of a single day.

What did Donnie do while he and Kaitlyn were trapped in the paper mill and water poured in on them?
Recorded a voice mail

What did Donnie do after Kaitlyn revealed she had been hurt in the paper mill during the storm?
Tied a cloth on her leg

What did Donnie tell Kaitlyn that he could do while Trey was secretly recording them?
Help her with a project

What did Gary reveal that he was grateful to do after noting he, Donnie, and Trey stuck together and survived?
Look at a time capsule in twenty-five years

What did a group of students do before a siren sounded and Gary instructed everyone to get inside?
Threw graduation caps in the air

What happened before Allison informed Pete that they had to turn around and go back?
Electric tower fell on a road

What happened after Jacob attempted to retrieve his camera?
Funnel of fire engulfed him

What did Pete do after he handed a data chip of footage to Gary?
Climbed out of a manhole

What did Richie do while Donk was wearing a helmet camera and riding an ATV?
Ignited a fire in a pool

What did Trey do after Gary located Donnie and Kaitlyn in the paper mill?
Used a van to move a beam