View Full Version : How to Get Away With Murder - We're Good People Now

09-23-2016, 10:53 AM
Synopsis: The ``Keating 5'' attempt to move on with their lives, knowing Wallace Mahoney's murder is still unsolved, and Frank is still missing; Annalise creates a criminal law clinic and wrestles with a decision involving Frank.

What was Annalise doing when Laurel informed her that she was going to Mexico for the summer, in a flashback from May?
Tending to plants in a garden

What did Annalise do after she informed Nate that someone put up a flier of her on campus that called her a "killer"?
Gave him a back massage

What did Asher do when he visited Annalise at her home and apologized for "barging in," in a flashback from July?
Requested a loan from her

What did a bearded man say Karim did for a living, as he was testifying as a character witness in Karim's case?
Managed a hardware store's stock room

What did Bonnie do after Annalise poured herself a drink and kicked off her shoes to relax?
Showed her a newspaper headline on a laptop

What was Connor doing when Annalise visited him on a rooftop and discussed Oliver working for her, in a flashback from June?
Lounging in an inflatable pool
Paul Smith (sunglasses)

What did Frank do after he took off his shirt and looked into a mirror?
Trimmed his beard and hair

What did Laurel do before she began speaking to Karim in an interview room about his case?
Turned on a recorder

What was Michaela doing when Annalise accused her of displaying a child's behavior, in a flashback from August?
Sitting on a street curb

What did someone do to kill Wallace after Wes told Wallace that he thought he was his son, in a flashback?
Shot him in his head