View Full Version : Gotham : Mad City: Better to Reign in Hell...

09-20-2016, 05:53 AM
Synopsis: Gordon works as a bounty hunter in monster-ridden Gotham while looking for answers about the Indian Hill escapees; Bruce's doppelganger wanders the streets; Tabitha and Barbara open a nightclub called The Sirens.

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What did Barbara do as a goon was tied up in her night club, after Oswald asked her what she would offer him for being in his territory?
Placed a cherry from a drink in front of him

What was Bruce doing when he threatened to expose an unnamed group to Gotham's media?
Conducting a board meeting

What did a caped escapee from Indian Hill do after Jim held over the window's edge at Peabody's house, as Valerie was taking pictures?
Wings extracted from his back

What did Edward do as Oswald was visiting him in jail?
Opened compartments to a puzzle block

What was an escapee from Indian Hill doing before fighting Jim and getting ran over by a truck?
Robbing a pharmacy store

What did Fish do after she used her power to force a police officer to drop his gun and knock himself out?
Fainted against a table

What did Jim do near the police station after he confirmed with Valerie a tip leading to Fish's location?
Handcuffed her to her car's door handle

What did Marv do after Peabody told Fish that Prof. Strange would refuse to make an army like her?
Drained her of her vitality

What did a masked man do after Bruce walked in on a beaten Alfred?
Knocked him out with chloroform

What did Oswald do to inform the media and the citizens of Gotham that Fish was the reason the city was in danger?
Interrupted a large press conference

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Lethal Weapon," what happened?
Detectives acted impulsively while working together, before jumping from a window and flipping a car