View Full Version : The Flash : Back to Normal

09-16-2016, 04:47 AM
Synopsis: A meta-human named Griffin Grey kidnaps Harry, mistaking him for Earth-1 Harisson Wells, and demands a cure for his condition.

What did Barry say he saw Griffin do right before his eyes, before Det. West joked that Griffin needed more blueberries in his diet?
Display an increase in age

What did Barry say facial recognition allowed him to find that Griffin was doing, before he insisted that he and Cisco go after him?
Breaking into a chemical plant

What did Barry do while working on paperwork, as he said it was just a "regular day" and he was just a "regular guy"?
Dropped a coffee mug on the floor

What did Caitlin do in order to help Killer Frost escape from captivity, before Killer Frost reneged on a deal they had made?
Shattered a wall of glass with a mallet

What did Griffin do while Dr. Wells was unconscious, after Jesse kicked Dr. Wells out of her apartment?
Ripped the door off of his van and pulled him out of it

What did Griffin do after Dr. Wells said there was no way to help him recover from his condition?
Knocked him down with a punch

What did Griffin do as he demonstrated for Dr. Wells what his particle accelerator had done to him?
Twisted a large metal disk

What did Jesse promise not to do before she and Dr. Wells hugged and proclaimed their love for each other?
Run away from him again

What was a masked man doing as Killer Frost said she would shut him up if she had the power to?
Knocking repeatedly on a post

What did Wally do after Flash called his name out on a rooftop at nighttime?
Expressed gratitude toward him