View Full Version : The Strain : New York Strong

08-29-2016, 08:34 AM
Synopsis: The strigoi are evolving; Eph's bio weapon is failing; he tries to work through the emotional fallout of his son's abduction; Fet helps a Navy SEAL team in a deadly mission; Setrakian and Quinlan try to crack the Lumen's deepest secrets.

What was Abraham doing while Vasily mentioned that he had been gone for four days?
Reading a page in an old tome

What did Eph do before Justine said that she needed him to develop more of his bioweapon?
Asked about its kill ratio

What did Eph give to Raul while he bartered with him at a street stand?
Boxes that contained asthma medicine

What did Eph do after he approached a car in a parking garage, before he was attacked by a group of vampires?
Siphoned gasoline out of a tank

What did Eph do after he was confronted by men who were enforcing an evacuation, after he woke up from a dream about Zack?
Displayed an identification badge

What did a group of soldiers do while they were hunting The Master, after they entered a church?
Clutched their ears due to a high-pitched screech

What did a group of soldiers do while they were in a tunnel, before they killed a group of vampires?
Turned on night-vision goggles

What did Gus do before he approached his vampire mother in a living room?
Drained his blood into a bowl

What did Vasily do after he entered a church to save a group of soldiers, after he instructed them not to shoot at him?
Ignited the tip of a flare

What did Zach do after Kelly asked him to help her?
Ran a brush down her hair