View Full Version : Big Brother 08/17/2016

08-18-2016, 08:27 AM
Synopsis: House guests vie for the power of veto.

What did James note that houseguests had been "taking out" people that did, while he talked about Paulie, in a scene from a previous episode?
Treated him as a target

What did Natalie say Corey would be able to do, which he then traded to Nicole, after he placed fourth in the Power of Veto competition?
Travel on a vacation

What did Paul explain that he had to do after finding every houseguest when the "red alert" sounded?
Pat each of them down

What did Paulie do before he said he never wanted to put Corey in harm's way, before they hugged in the bathroom?
Struggled not to cry

What did Paulie explain that he had to do when he heard Zingbot's anthem in the house?
Bake apple pie in the kitchen

What did Paulie point out that Paul was doing after asking why Paul looked "so serious" and if he was mad?
Eating sunflower seeds from a bowl

What did Paulie say he didn't want to do, after Corey said he had to watch out for himself and his game?
Campaign against him for votes

What did Victor do before winning the Power of Veto competition against James?
Launched a bean bag from a catapult

What did Victor say Paulie couldn't do, before Victor revealed he wouldn't use the Power of Veto?
Separate emotion from the game

What did Victor tell Paulie not to get mad at him for doing after Paulie said he was trying to understand his logic?
Going through with his strategy

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "The Great Indoors," what happened?
People paddled a canoe in a lake, before it was revealed that it was a fake backdrop for a photo shoot