View Full Version : NCIS: Charade

08-17-2016, 05:59 AM
Synopsis: After Special Agent DiNozzo's identity is stolen, the perpetrators use his name to begin blackmailing senators.

What were Abby and Tony doing when he realized that Elizabeth was the blackmailer?
Watching security camera footage from a bus station

What did Abby reveal that she did, before she explained that Sen. Bransfield was cheating on his wife?
Hacked into his e-mail account

What did Ducky do while examining Scott's body, before he laughed at a joke he told McGee?
Displayed his broken cell phone

What was Ellie doing while she watched for one of Tony's imposters to pick up money from a garbage can?
Sitting on bleachers at a soccer game

What was Elizabeth doing when she got into her car and found Tony pointing a gun at her from the backseat?
Holding onto a white dog

What did a police officer do after pulling Tony over and accusing him of paying for a rental car with a stolen credit card?
Pushed him down and pinned him to the hood

What did Sen. Bransfield do after he confronted Tony about attending an event?
Handed him an envelope of cash

What did Tony do while Abby inspected his apartment for Elizabeth's fingerprints?
Took a bottle of chardonnay out of the fridge

What were Tony and his imposters doing while he explained Lisa's involvement in Scott's death?
Eating from takeout containers

What did Tony do after Ducky said that Scott was pinned under the steering wheel of his car following a collision?

09-25-2016, 07:24 PM
What did Tony do after Ducky said that Scott was pinned under the steering wheel of his car following a collision?
Pulled a briefcase out of the trunk