View Full Version : Hoarding: Buried Alive : This is Garbage Land

08-09-2016, 07:19 AM
Synopsis: Cary's paralyzing obsession with Elvis memorabilia has left his New York City apartment virtually uninhabitable.

What did Cary, Francisca, and Joe argue about throwing out before Dr. Beaton intervened while observing them working together?
Box containing new lightbulbs

What did Cary do in his bedroom, after telling Dr. Beaton that it calmed him down?
Started singing a song

What did Cary say that he had to do because of a lack of space, before he said he was sidetracked from getting married and having children?
Store a bed in the kitchen

What did Cary say that he and his mother did after saying that she passed away from breast cancer in 1992?
Bonded over a love of Elvis Presley

What did Cary say that he did when he did not have "stuff" around him, before Dr. Beaton sent Joe and Francisca on a break?
Felt like a "poor" man

What did Dr. Beaton and Laura help Cary do after returning to his apartment one month later?
Clear a pathway to a fire escape

What did Dr. Beaton say never worked in the "long run," after Joe said he and Francisca didn't want to hang out with Cary?
Presenting an ultimatum

What did Francisca do after saying that walking into Cary's apartment felt like a "knife going through" her "heart"?
Noticed moldy bread on a table

What did Joe do after Leslie said that she was concerned they had "lost" Cary early in the cleanup process?
Moved a TV into the hallway

What did Joe say that Cary had done before Cary wondered aloud if he had placed a bag outside his kitchen?
Received a master's degree in education