View Full Version : Escaping Polygamy : Trouble for Mom

08-08-2016, 07:19 AM
Synopsis: Amanda's younger brother, Eskel, refuses to follow a polygamous lifestyle and wants to leave The Order; Eskel's mother learns of his plans and pleads with him to stay.

What did Amanda tell Eskel that he would do, while they talked about him "getting out" of the polygamous lifestyle?
Feel a "weight" being lifted off him

What did Amanda say Daniel did while manipulating Eskel after saying Eskel wanted to meet in a parking garage?
Tracked him using his phone

What did Eskel do, before driving away from his mother's house while she was at church?
Left a note for her

What was Eskel doing while speaking with his mother on the phone about leaving the Order?
Sitting parked at a gas station

What did Jessica do while talking on the phone with Amanda about waiting for Eskel?
Ducked down in her car

What did Kollene say Daniel was always trying to do to harm Shirley, before she called him a coward?
Sneak up on her

What did Rachel note that Eskel claimed that he was doing, which was an excuse to be able to meet with her and Amanda?
Running as exercise

What did Shirley say Daniel was angry with her because she allowed the health department to do while in the house?
Record the condition of it

What did Shirley discuss Daniel doing, before she said she wasn't sure where she "stood" with him?
Playing "mind games" with her

What did Shirley tell members of her family that she wanted them to do before they said they didn't have time?
Fold and sort laundry

08-15-2016, 05:17 AM