View Full Version : Big Brother 08/03/2016

08-04-2016, 08:32 AM
Synopsis: House guests vie for the power of veto.

What did Bridgette say the houseguests did after noting that it was probably because she associated with Frank?
Treated her as a target

What did Bridgette say she didn't do, after she and Paul talked about nominations in the pantry?
Trust in him completely

What did Da'Vonne say she didn't want the other houseguests to do before she said she wanted them to vote Bridgette out of the house?
Walk over to hug her

What did the houseguests participating in the Power of Veto competition prepare to do, before Corey was eliminated?
Race down a track
Nike (Corey's shoes)

What did Paul tell Da'Vonne that he felt they did after he hinted to her that she may be put on the block?
Had a bond with each other

What did Paul do while playing a prank on Michelle, before she screamed and retaliated against him?
Put shaving cream in her mug

What did Paul say he was only talking to Bridgette to do, after she entered the Head of Household room?
Make her feel comfortable

What were Paul and Paulie doing when Da'Vonne interrupted them to discuss "Plan B" if Bridgette obtained the Power of Veto?
Playing a game of chess together

What did Victor fail to do before Paulie in the Power of Veto competition, that enabled Paulie to win?
Hit a red button

What were Victor, Paul, and Paulie doing when Paulie revealed that Zakiyah claimed that she wanted Paul "out"?
Standing around a pool table

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Kevin Can Wait," what did a man do?
Ate carrot sticks to get in shape, while another version of himself ate fried chicken from a bucket