View Full Version : Ozzy and Jack's World Detour : Like Forefathers, Like Sons

07-25-2016, 06:48 AM
Synopsis: Ozzy and Jack trek to Jamestown, Va., taking a few detours along the way; while Jack intends to find out whether any Osbournes were among the first American colonists, Ozzy obsesses over the idea that early settlers resorted to cannibalism.

What did Jack ask Ozzy to do after Jack claimed he knew about Jamestown because he was an amateur historian?
Spit into a DNA collector kit

What did Jack do because he lost a competition against Ozzy before they left Colonial Williamsburg?
Put on a triangular hat

What did Jack tell Ozzy that "Stonewall" Jackson did before Ozzy and Jack visited Ellwood Manor, Virginia?
Lost one of his arms to friendly fire

What did Jack and Ozzy do at Jamestown after Jack noted that the first British settlers relied on the Native Americans for survival?
Walked up to a statue of John Smith

What did Jack do while he and Ozzy visited a restored colonial town, after Ozzy claimed he looked like "Elton"?
Snapped a photo with a cell phone

What did Jack tell Ozzy that British settlers at Jamestown didn't know how to do before Jack said 80% of the first visitors died as a result?
Grow crops due to agricultural inexperience

What did Jack do while he and Ozzy visited the Jamestown museum before they admired the sunset outside?
Read a passage from a book

What did Mary do while Jack and Ozzy visited a restored colonial town before she told Ozzy that he didn't need to feel nervous?
Grabbed a wig off a shelf

What did Ozzy do while living out a "World War II fantasy" after Jack said Ozzy was experiencing a little difficulty?
Stalled a tank in a field

What did Ozzy do during his competition with Jack while they were visiting Colonial Williamsburg?
Fired a musket toward a target

07-26-2016, 05:46 AM

07-29-2016, 05:32 AM

07-31-2016, 05:15 AM