View Full Version : Epic

07-19-2016, 11:47 AM
Synopsis: Magically transported to a secret realm, a teenage girl joins an ongoing battle between the forces of good, which keep the natural world vital, and the forces of evil, which want to destroy it. Animated.

What was Bomba doing as M.K. approached him in the forest to give him a hug?
Looking at a family photo

What did Bomba reveal he had done before M.K. tried to explain she wanted him to stop his studies and act like a normal father?
Created a helmet for her

What did Bomba do which led Nod to laugh at his reaction, before Nod ran away to avoid being hit by a coffee cup?
Hit his elbow on a tabletop

What did Bufo remind Nod he was supposed to have done as part of an agreement he reneged on, before Bufo ordered his henchmen to feed Nod to something?
Lost a race intentionally

What happened that prevented the pod from opening, after Nod and M.K. shook hands?
Bats flew in the path of the moonlight

What did M.K. do after Nod helped her up after she fell on top of a jar and then slipped on pencils?
Touched a piece of metal and shocked herself

What did M.K. unsuccessfully attempt to do to escape from a mouse, before Nod appeared to distract the mouse and save her?
Jump out of a hole in the ground

What did Nim Galuu do while onstage, before he read from a scroll that Queen Tara had died?
Danced and sang a song

What was Queen Tara doing as Ronin arrived to talk to her about a plan he devised for her to safely select an heir?
Conversing with a purple flower

What did Queen Tara do as she and Ronin fled from an attack by Mandrake and the boggans, before M.K. discovered her?
Collapsed to the ground after being shot by an arrow