View Full Version : Pirates of the Caribbean: On Stranger Tides

07-17-2016, 05:26 AM
Synopsis: Capt. Jack Sparrow encounters a woman from his past, who forces him to go aboard Blackbeard's ship on a quest to find the legendary Fountain of Youth. Suggested by a novel by Tim Powers.

What did Angelica show Jack as she promised him the Black Pearl for helping her reach the Fountain of Youth?
Bottle containing it as a miniature

What happened after Blackbeard drew his sword to punish his crew for mutiny?
Animated ropes entangled them between the masts

What happened before Barbosa and Jack decided not to fence inside Ponce de León's ship?
Weight of them caused it to teeter back and forth on a ledge

What did Jack do at Blackbeard's behest in an attempt to spare Angelica's life, after Jack refused to jump into a river?
Selected pistols loaded or unloaded to fire at her

What did Jack do to lure the Spaniards away so the British could save Barbossa?
Launched himself in the air from a rope on a palm tree

What did Jack do after Angelica claimed she loved him, which he turned down?
Left her on a small, deserted island

What did Jack do during his and Angelica's fight against British soldiers, after he reminded her that he was Jack Sparrow?
NOT--Cut down a brass chandelier
Ignited oil pooled in a gutter
Slashed open kegs of wine
NOT--Kicked over a cauldron of coal

What did Jack do to summon water to form the entrance to the Fountain of Youth, before Blackbeard could kill him?
Lit a puddle of oil as flames traveled up ropes
NOT--Cleaned the grooves around a rune in stone
Read the inscriptions on a pair of chalices
NOT--Blew into a horn as the ground quaked lightly

What did Jack do in order to save Gibbs, after Gibbs claimed that he was not Jack?
Impersonated a judge at court to sentence him

What did the mermaids do before Jack scrambled to save Angelica from them?
Stripped the beach away via a riptide
Ripped the pier apart with sticky whips
NOT--Sent a torrent of water to dislodge rocks
NOT--Spat acid to burn holes into the hull

In a sponsored segment during this show, what were you encouraged you to watch during "Divergent," as an upcoming movie was noted?
Special look at scenes from the movie
"Jason Bourne"

10-03-2016, 04:41 AM