View Full Version : Jack the Giant Slayer

07-16-2016, 05:48 PM
Synopsis: Jack climbs a beanstalk into clouds filled with evil beasts. When the beasts climb down the stalk, Jack has to figure out a way to get them back into the clouds before they destroy the Earth.

What did Agent Hinton do after Serena ordered the bean stalk to throw Gen. O'Shauncey?
Called for support over a radio

What did Jack do before telling Lisa that Krutchens was his father's last name and that he'd never met him?
Blew out birthday candles

What did Jack do at Newald's request, after Newald told him not to stand over an open hatch?
Shoveled coal into a furnace

What did Jack do before handling a bean and asking Lisa if she wanted to know what else was "up there"?
Put on a jacket

What did Jess do after telling Newald that he gave Jack beans and offered to take care of a beast?
Sped towards it on a motorcycle

What did Newald do while with Serena, after she said she was going to make all those responsible for taking her from Earth "pay"?
Asked for another glass of wine

What did Newald do while Serena was hovering over him, after she was surprised to see he was still alive?
Snatched a necklace off of her

What was Serena doing when Newald greeted her, before asking why it had taken so long for him to visit her?
Soaking in a bathtub

What did Serena do after Newald asked her how she could be certain that she was from Earth?
Felt the side of his face

What did Serena do after Agent Hinton told her that he couldn't fulfill a request she had whispered to him?
Slipped an object in his hand

07-16-2016, 08:36 PM
What did Elmont do while fighting Roderick for the crown, after Roderick criticized him for thinking he was a hero?
Stabbed him in his chest

10-31-2016, 04:01 AM