View Full Version : Rizzoli & Isles : Shadow of Doubt

07-12-2016, 05:27 AM
Synopsis: A wealthy woman is found dead at the bottom of her stairs; Maura decides to undergo minor surgery; Maura reconnects with Hope.

What did Angela do before Isles claimed that she had to fast until going into her surgery?
Took a bagel out of a bag

What did Frankie inform Vince that Michelle did, after he said her family was "impressive on paper" and that she was Ivy League educated?
Specialized in contract law

What did Hope do before Isles noted that it was hard to get used to being mothered?
Served her a bowl of chicken soup

What did Kent do to simulate the injuries that Michelle sustained, which Rizzoli referred to as "fruit homicide"?
Smashed a melon on the ground

What did Laura explain to Rizzoli and Angela that doctors would do during her surgery, which Angela said didn't sound "so simple"?
Remove a piece of her skull

What did Rizzoli do after Robert denied ever cheating on Michelle, while he was taking a lie detector test?
Handed him an envelope of pictures

What did Rizzoli accuse Frankie of doing when she was in seventh grade, after she suggest that he take a lie detector test at the bar?
Stealing her autographed Bobby Orr puck

What did Rizzoli note that Michelle and Holly both did that resulted in their deaths, which Robert claimed was just a coincidence?
Fell down a flight of stairs

What did Robert tell Vince and Rizzoli that he did so that Claire would have an alibi for the night that Michelle died?
Sent her to a party with her boyfriend

What did Robert do before Rizzoli and Vince chased after him in a car and pointed handguns at him?
Took a bag out of a storage locker

In a sponsored segment during this show, what did Isles do before she told Rizzoli she was hovering, in footage from "Rizzoli & Isles," before an insurance company was noted?
Examined a car's vanity mirror
Liberty Mutual

In a sponsored segment during this show, what did a man do as part of an experiment, in footage from "Rizzoli & Isles," before a pet food was noted?
Dropped a melon from a stool