View Full Version : The Walking Dead : East

03-28-2016, 07:26 AM
Synopsis: When someone goes missing in Alexandria, the community goes on alert, and search parties venture out.

What did Carol do when a group of men attempted to approach her and take her captive?
Fired a hidden automatic pistol at them

What did Enid do before she told Maggie to get some rest while Enid took over guard duty?
Handed her a jar of pickles

What did Enid do in order to help Maggie, before Maggie said that she had to keep going?
Cut her hair shorter

What happened in a scene from a previous episode which resulted in the death of Denise?
Arrow pierced through her eye

What did Hero do while attacking Carol when they first approached one another?
Shot out her tires as she was driving

What did Maggie and Glenn do in Alexandria, while a country song played in the background?
Washed each other in the shower

What did Maggie do after she looked at herself in a mirror while talking to Enid?
Screamed due to a pain in her abdomen

What did Rick and Michonne do after they woke up in bed together in the morning?
Shared an apple with each other

What did Rick point out that a man in a torn jacket used as a weapon, which indicated that the man might reside at the hilltop?
Staff with a blade attached to it

What did Rick say that Michonne did after he gave Morgan a weapon for protection?
Stole a protein bar

04-04-2016, 06:05 AM

08-15-2016, 05:18 AM

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