View Full Version : Heroes Reborn : Send in the Clones

01-08-2016, 08:54 AM
Synopsis: After Noah disappears, Luke and Malina try to save Tommy and stop the extinction of humans; Carlos, Farah and the Haitian face off against Matt Parkman in hopes of freeing the prisoners under his control.

What did Carlos inform Farah that his grandfather refused to do that led to him getting both of his legs broken?
Take a bribe to throw a wrestling match

What did Erica do after she told Joanne that she was going to provide her with an opportunity to make a real difference?
Pulled up a picture of Malina on a tablet

What was Harris doing while he was explaining to Miko that he was going to kill the "real" her and then kill her father?
Holding an ax to her throat

What did Luke accuse Phoebe of doing, after he said that he saw her "work" at the summit?
Murdering thousands of innocent people

What did Luke and Malina do after they saw Harris, Quentin, and Phoebe walking towards their car on a road?
Escaped into a cornfield
Cadillac (Luke/Malina) / Cadillac SUV (Harris)

What was Malina doing before she and Luke walked into a store in Bedford, Missouri?
Holding a pair of broken eyeglasses

What did Matt discover Taylor had done when he read her mind, which he said he could use?
Tested positive on a pregnancy test

What did Micah do after he informed Carlos, Jose, and Farah that two massive solar flares would destroy the Earth the following day?
Hovered his hand over a laptop keyboard

What did Miko do after she requested for Tommy to transport her to Sunstone Manor for her final mission?
Removed her hair ribbon

What did Tommy do before he told Miko that she must play a part in saving the world, while they were in the gateway in the future?
Showed her a comic book

In a sponsored segment during this show, what did a man do while interacting with a woman, as they stood by a silver car at night after he and another woman came out of a house?
Used his mental powers to convince her to walk away after she pointed a gun at him
Cadillac CTS

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "You, Me and the Apocalypse," what happened?
Asteroid approached earth as people pursued activities on their bucket lists