View Full Version : Heroes Reborn : 11:53 to Odessa

11-20-2015, 06:19 AM
Synopsis: Noah and Luke's destinies intersect as Malina tries to save those around her by unleashing her power; Tommy may be forced to work with his enemy; Carlos confronts his past while under Matt Parkman's watch; Ren looks for Miko.

What did Carlos do after a man in a yellow shirt gave him orders while he was held captive, before he rescued Farah?
Wrestled his gun away

What did Erica admit that she tried to do by using a device on Tommy, which was why he had a scar on the back of his neck?
Steal his powers

What did Luke tell Noah that he and his wife had done, because they thought EVOs killed their son, which was how he knew Tommy?
Started to hunt them down
Cadillac (Luke's car)

What did Luke do, before pleading with Noah to allow him to help Malina?
Gave her her belongings
Kia (car behind Luke)

What did Malina do when she ran over to the area that Noah was last seen?
Picked up his broken glasses
Toyota (Luke and Malina standing next to)

What did Matt do to threaten Carlos, as a way to try to get Farah to reveal Malina's location?
Held a gun up to his head

What was Ren doing before he saw a bus that was headed to Odessa?
Holding up a necklace

What did Ren do before Hachiro talked to him about being a construct that was sent from the future?
Entered a jiujitsu establishment

What were Tommy, Erica, Quentin, and Phoebe doing when Tommy took them to the future and Erica pointed out Gateway?
Standing on a desert cliff

What was Tommy doing when Erica said she would "explain everything," before they argued about the prophecy?
Sitting down on a bed

In a sponsored segment during this show, what did a woman say she suspected about Damon, as she spoke into a voice recorder, before he drove away in a silver car that was noted and you were encouraged to visit a Web site?
That he was gifted with the power of persuasion
NOT--That he could teleport across portals in the world
That he could speak to animals he met in the woods
That he came across a unicorn that led him to utopia

In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Superstore," what happened in a store?
Employee mistakenly repriced items to ridiculously low prices as shoppers raced to buy them