View Full Version : Survivor : Survivor MacGyver

10-01-2015, 08:59 AM
Synopsis: A classic immunity challenge leaves one tribe puzzled; a contestant hopes an apology will help stave off an elimination.

What did Abi-Maria do when talking with Jeff, before she claimed that her old alliance would regret not aiding her?
Engaged him in a handshake

What did the contestants do during the Immunity Challenge after they scaled over three sloped obstacles?
Pulled at crates with rope

What did Jeff do as he and Abi-Maria talked about entering into an alliance?
Wiped himself with a cloth

What did Jeff claim that Spencer and Shirin did following the Ta Keo tribe's failure to win the Immunity Challenge?
Lost a hold of their fate
Nike (Woo's shoes)

What did Joe do before he claimed that he was in a role where he provided a service for the Bayon tribe?
Worked on stringing up hammocks

What did Kelley do before she examined the Immunity Idol she had obtained as she reflected that security was a "beautiful thing"?
Unwrapped it from a binding

What did Spencer reflect during Tribal Council that the contestants did in the years between their seasons on "Survivor"?
Dealt with a kind of "amnesia"

What did Spencer help Shirin do at their camp as Jeff analyzed them during a threat assessment?
Collect water in a canteen

What did Stephen do after he described Joe as a person who would be eliminated at the merging of the tribes?
Cleaved at a coconut
NOT--Nike (Stephen's headband)

What did Terry reflect that he would have to do during his second chance as he and Jeff discussed tactics in private?
Keep track of events
NOT--Believe in a choice
Play a social game
NOT--Cater to an alliance