View Full Version : Code Black : Pilot

10-01-2015, 08:27 AM
Synopsis: Dr. Leanne Rorish puts her new first-year residents right to work at Angels Memorial Hospital, home to the busiest ER in the nation.

What did Ariel do while visiting Vanessa in the hospital, after Vanessa told her that it was alright for her to come closer?
Leaned down to listen to her heart

What did Hannah tell Christa that Leanne did, before she informed her that her pregnant patient had already left?
Canceled her toxicology screen

What did Leanne do while examining a man's body inside of a car, after Christa remarked that "homeboy drop-off" sounded racist to her?
Pointed out a bullet wound on his neck

What did Leanne do while treating a young man wearing a yellow and green shirt, while at the same time telling Christa how to perform a cesarean section?
Drilled a hole into his skull

What did Leanne tell a man and woman that she was going to do to help Sebastian, before she explained that it was a routine procedure?
Insert a tube into his chest

What did Leanne tell the residents that she was going to do, as they all attempted to treat a patient who had been removed from a car?
Replace all of his blood with ice-cold saline

What did Neal do while treating Ariel, after she explained to him that Linda did not handle the death of her mother very well?
Pulled pieces of debris out of her face

What did a pregnant woman tell Christa and Mario that she did, before she asked them if there was anything they could give her for her headache?
Lived above a boiler room

What was a pregnant woman doing, as Christa attempted to reach her on the phone?
Lying on the ground unconscious

What did a young man wearing a yellow and green shirt say he could do, after Hannah asked him if he had fallen off of his skateboard?
Feel the bones crunching around in his arm

10-04-2015, 05:38 AM

08-05-2016, 04:44 AM