View Full Version : Iron Man 3

09-16-2015, 12:28 PM
Synopsis: After a malevolent enemy reduces his world to rubble, Tony Stark must rely on instinct and ingenuity to protect those he loves as he searches for a way to avenge his losses.

What happened while an Iron Man suit flew to Pepper, before Tony finally agreed that they couldn't stay at their house?
Explosive crashed through the window

What did Happy watch Savin do before a military man spontaneously combusted outside the Chinese Theatre?
Heal a wound on his face

What did Harley do when he first encountered Tony in Tennessee, before they made an agreement so he could work on his Iron Man suit?
Aimed a potato gun toward him

What did Jarvis deduce that Tony had done after Tony put on an Iron Man suit outside a bar?
Suffered a severe anxiety attack

What did Killian do after Col. Rhodes was forced out of his Iron Patriot suit?
Spouted fire from his mouth

What did Killian do to kill Maya, after Tony watched Pepper struggle on a live feed?
Shot her with a handgun

What did Mrs. Davis do after she realized Brandt was the one who called her about Chad, after Brandt put handcuffs on Tony?
Slid a confidential file about him under a bar

What were thirteen people doing when Tony saved them using one of his Iron Man suits, before he accidentally crashed the suit into a truck?
Falling to the ground from an airplane

What did Tony do as Trevor explained that he posed at The Mandarin, before Savin later advised Trevor?
Aimed a handgun at him

What did Tony do after he enlisted Gary's help, before he discovered Killian's plans through A.I.M.?
Hacked into their system

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