View Full Version : Vikings : Mercenary

02-20-2015, 11:25 AM
What did King Ecbert do while near a scribe table, after he faced Athelstan and smiled?
Gave him the cross that he left behind

What did Bjorn do when he tried to convince Porunn not to go to Mercia, after they kissed each other?
Touched her abodmen and smiled

What did Lagertha wonder why Kalf hadn't done after she said he had earned her trust in "many ways"?
Given her an offer of marriage

What did Ragnar do while saving Kwenthrith before he wondered which of their gods were responsible?
Blocked an arrow heading her way with a shield

What did Ragnar do when he said that he knew Athelstan well, before he called Athelstan his "John the Baptist"?
Saw the scar on the palm of his hand

What did Torstein tell Rollo and Bjorn that two women did before he mentioned that the women hated each other?
Claimed to carry his child

What did the Seer do after Lagertha questioned whether she would bear another child in the future?
Held and shook bones in his hand

What did Floki do to kill Britwolfe after Floki grabbed him and pulled him off his black horse?
Impaled his head with an ax

What did King Ecbert say that Ragnar had to do before Ragnar said that it was not part of the "original agreement"?
Send his men to fight for Kwenthrith

What did Kalf do, before suggesting to Einar that he persuade his family to support Kalf as the new Earl?
Handed an ax to him while on a boat

02-26-2015, 12:59 PM

03-14-2015, 04:46 AM