View Full Version : The Bourne Legacy 2/18 7:00PM 5300 pts

02-19-2015, 05:18 AM
Thanks OPs!

The actions of Jason Bourne spell the possible end of secret intelligence programs, so a specially enhanced operative goes on the run with a research scientist when it appears that their lives will become forfeit.

What did Aaron claim that he did, which was the reason he decided to travel over the mountain, after entering a cabin to wait for the drone?
*Dropped his remaining chem supply

What did Aaron do before he and Dr. Shearing ran away to the woods from her house?
*Poured gasoline on the floor

What did Aaron do to disable the drone's ability to locate him, after the cabin was blown up?
*Shot at it with a sniper rifle

What did Aaron do while he sat next to a fire in the mountains, after he killed a wild animal?
*Drew his own blood into a vial

What did Aaron notice happening after he cut open an area near his hip to remove a tracker?
*Pack of wolves surrounding him

What did Aaron tell Dr. Shearing to do after he told her to put aside her "normal emotional response," before she asked who "June" was?
*Go through a wallet with identification in it

What did Dr. Foite start doing after he locked the door to the lab, before Dr. Shearing started yelling and panicking?
*Shooting scientists with a handgun

What did Dr. Shearing do before Aaron asked if she wanted to live and gave her instructions to help her?
*Aimed a handgun at him

What did Dr. Shearing do while in a lab in the Philippines with Aaron, before he thanked her?
*Injected stems into him with a needle

What was Dr. Shearing doing in security footage at John F. Kennedy International Airport, while Col. Byer and Dita identified her?
*Standing near a magazine stand

In a sponsored segment during this show, who was Kevin Costner as he interacted with young men in dramatic and inspiring scenes from an upcoming movie?
*Coach who formed a cross-country team with high school students from a disadvantaged farming community
*"McFarland, USA"
*Slight Chance or No Way
*I'd rather wait to see it on DVD/VHS


In a commercial during this show, what did a uniformed employee in a candy factory do while he gave a tour to a group of people?
*Operated a button which placed packing tape on a boy's mouth to stop his comparisons with the "right" factory
*Is delicious and enjoyable

In a commercial during this show, what was discussed about a foundation after a dart flew into a dart board, while women were featured close up in red and black environments and tubes featuring different foundation shades were shown?
*That it was a new matte look in long-wear and resisted sweat, heat, and humidity, as a woman held a hair drier up to her face
*L'Oreal Infallible Pro-Matte
*Lasts up to twenty-four hours

In a commercial during this show, what was discussed about a restaurant as a menu item was prepared up close and people dined, including cheering sports fans?
*That "fresh" was now, as slow-smoked ribs were brushed with sauce
*Chili's Grill & Bar
*Features new flavors and ingredients

In a commercial during this show, who talked to a young man as they interacted from two different locations, including at a table in a fast-food restaurant?
*Construction worker who was a big man and needed a big meal before he lifted another worker
*Dairy Queen
*Chicken Strip Basket