View Full Version : Hell's Kitchen : 13 Chefs Compete

10-09-2014, 04:51 AM
Synopsis: The teams must herd farm animals into their proper pens and decide which proteins and starches they will use next; the winning team goes on a wine tour, while the losers prepare stock bones; tempers flare during the dinner service.

What did Chef Ramsay do while in the Blue Team's kitchen during dinner service, before he screamed at Brian that he had to wake up?
Pointed out that a portion of lamb was missing

What did Chef Ramsay do after Steve brought the halibut that he made during the dinner service, before Chef Ramsay kicked him and Brian out of the kitchen?
Pointed out that it was still raw

What did Jennifer say that Roe did, while the Red Team attempted to decide who they would put up for elimination?
Made judgments based just on attitude

What did La Tasha discuss that Katie did during service, as she explained to Chef Ramsay why she was nominated for elimination?
Started off and then finished without strength

What did members of the Red Team do as part of their punishment for losing the first challenge, after an alarm went off to signify that they had to go back to work?
Skimmed off the tops of boiling stocks

What were members of the Blue Team doing as part of their reward for winning the first challenge, after Steve commented that he could not ask for anything better?
Tasting wine at a vineyard

What did members of the Red and Blue Teams do during the first challenge, before the narrator noted that the women were taking a more gentle approach?
Herded several live animals into pens

What did Roe do during dinner service, before Chef Ramsay kicked her and Katie out of the kitchen?
Left raw garlic sitting in a risotto

What was Steve doing during dinner service, before Chef Ramsay walked over and told Steve that he had to start listening to him?
Cooking scallops in a skillet

What did Vinny Dotolo recommend that Sterling do, after he tasted the dish that Sterling made during the first challenge?
Season it with more salt

10-09-2014, 04:51 AM
In a commercial during this show, what was demonstrated about a breakfast product as it was featured up-close while upbeat music played?
That there were many ways to enjoy it, as hands rapidly changed its toppings, including berries and jam, to be what you wanted
Submit an idea to a social media page / Try one of their recipes on social media

In a commercial during this show, what did children wearing costumes, including a cowboy, do as they enjoyed the candy a woman dressed as a witch had given them as a seasonal treat?
Created a melody by opening wrappers and chewing loudly
Kit Kat
Is great for everyone

In a commercial during this show, what did a boy discuss about a program offered by an organization, as children played football?
That he could only play with his best friends and have an awesome season if his coach was certified
Heads Up Football
Is dedicated to making football better

In a commercial during this show, where did an insurance employee dressed in white explain a program from her company that was free to try?
Salon where a stylist with a thick accent gave her an outlandish haircut
NOT--Offers discounts when bundling policies
Saves you money for good driving habits
Has helpful agents that make claims easy

In a movie commercial during this show, who was Robert Downey Jr., as he returned to his small, rural hometown in order to reconnect with his family?
Criminal lawyer who took a case to defend his estranged father against a murder charge
"The Judge"

In a movie commercial during this show, who went on a journey in colorful, stylized animated scenes, featuring the voices of Channing Tatum, Zoe Saldana, Ice Cube and others?
Group of heroes trying to save a village, including a skeleton-like creature and his flashy, charming rival for a feisty princess's love
"Book of Life"