View Full Version : Arrow : The Promise CW

08-05-2014, 10:14 AM
What did Oliver do after Slade told Moira that he looked forward to seeing more of her and her family?
--Offered to walk him to his car

What did Shado do to attack Oliver in his dream, after she asked him why he saved Sara and not her?
--Stabbed him with a knife repeatedly

What did Thomas do after telling Hendrick he was a cheater and that Antoli cheated better than him?
--Pulled a rat out of a cup

What did Oliver say he did to cause a distraction, during an interrogation, after Ivo asked him where he was born?
--Lit a bonfire on a beach

What did Oliver, Slade, and Moira do, before Slade admired a model sailboat and asked Moira if her family spent time on the water?
--Drank glasses of rum

What did Oliver do before a henchman punched him in the face and The Butcher told him that he was lucky Ivo wanted him alive?
--Tripped over a tree branch

What did Slade do after Sara told him that the ship's deck was clear and asked if he'd performed the task before?
--Deployed a parachute and grabbed her

What did Hendrick do after Sara released him from his jail cell, before Slade fought with armed guards?
--Choked her on the ground

What did Slade do before telling Oliver that if he killed him it would have been "mercy"?
--Sliced off Ivo's hand

What did Thomas do while on the deck of a ship, before Antoli rolled and picked up an assault rifle?
--Looked at a glass reflection


08-05-2014, 04:41 PM
In a promotional advertisement during this program, for a show called "Penn & Teller: Fool Us," what happened?
-professional magicians tried to determine how tricks performed by amateurs were accomplished
In a commercial during this show, what was discussed about a foundation, as bottles of it were displayed against a white background and different women were featured?
That it offered the perfect blend for everyone, from a “mama bear” rock star who cradled a stuffed animal, to a comedienne
-Cover Girl
-offers a flawless nude look without build-up
In a commercial during this show, what did a man do to enjoy a menu item at a fast-food restaurant, after a whistle was herd?
-dodged his responsibilities, such as a lawn mower and a dog that needed to be walked, to get to the restaurant
-Bacon Clubhouse
In a movie commercial during this show, what did Damon Wayans Jr. do with a friend as they took a prank to extreme measures?
-imitated police officers, after noticing a change in the way they were treated
-Let’s Be Cops
In a commercial during this show, what hair styling device did a blonde woman use while in a purple room, before showing off her finished look?
-handheld curler that took hair in and curled it automatically
-created perfect curls easily and quickly
In a commercial during this show, what was discussed about a mouthwash that a woman used in her bathroom, as it was presented against a blue background on a rotating silver tray?
-that it prevented tartar build-up and cavities, before she celebrated upon leaving her dentist's office
-Crest Pro Health
-decreases the need for scraping at future check-ups