View Full Version : The Strain – Gone Smooth FX 10PM 4600 PTS

07-28-2014, 08:21 PM
Product placement: the receptionist in Vasily’s office watches a ViewSonic monitor
What did Vasily watch rats doing after he followed one down the street?
-crawling out of a drainpipe by the river
What did Ansel do after Gertie barked and growled at him while backing away?
-drank the blood from a steak
What did Eph do after Capt. Redfern began lashing out at Nora with a tentacle extending from his mouth?
-hit him repeatedly with a fire extinguisher
What did Eph do after he walked through Emma’s house calling for Mr. Arnot?
-scooped a clump of hair out of a tub
What did Abraham do after a woman brought him a list of the passengers from the plane?
-handed her a video game console
What did Kellly accuse Eph of doing, after he accused her of gloating about winning custody of Zack?
-coaching him on what to say
What did Thomas do before he proclaimed to himself that soon he wouldn’t have to undergo a charade?
-put on makeup and prosthetics in a mirror
What was Kelly doing before Zach found her on the patio at night and asked her if she was okay?
-flipping through a photo album
What did Everett tell Jim to do regarding the bodies that Ephraim and Nona questioned Everett about as they walked into the Canary Team Headquarters?
-make sure the press received no information
-Chevrolet (SUV Everett got out of)
What was a woman in Vasily’s office doing before he asked why they were getting so many calls regarding rat control?
-watching news coverage on a monitor
-ViewSonic (type of monitor)