View Full Version : The Daily Show With Jon Stewart – Hillary Rodham Clinton COMEDY 7:30 PM

07-17-2014, 06:24 AM
What did William Happer do in footage during the “Moment of Zen”?
-compared carbon dioxide to Jewish people
What did Hillary Rodham Clinton admit to sometimes doing during the career aptitude test, that she said she deeply regretted?
-being the one who caused traffic
What did Jon say child immigrants must do, after saying if he had told them once, he had told them a thousand times?
-file a series of forms
What did Hillary Rodham Clinton say she preferred to do during a career aptitude test, before Jon asked if she had a favorite shape?
-work in a home office
What did Hillary Rodham Clinton say Congress was no longer doing, after Jon asked if the U.S bureaucracy was unmanageable?
-functioning with much effectiveness
What was a child doing in a doctored photograph after Jon screamed that the child immigration crisis was bad?
-sitting between Blake Farenthold’s teeth
What did Gil Kerlikowske say in interview footage that men on border patrol were doing to help child immigrants?
-changing diapers and heating formula
What did Hillary Rodham Clinton say people wanted to do which was why they came to the U.S.?
-seek safety and opportunities

07-22-2014, 05:49 AM