View Full Version : The Real Housewives of Atlanta : Kandi's Wedding: Mother Tucker, BRAVO

06-18-2014, 01:33 PM

Synopsis:* Kandi and Tom seek spiritual guidance from Pastor Pollard; Kandi searches for a wedding cake; Kandi's Maid and Matron of Honor have a confrontation; Todd's mother and Mama Joyce meet for the first time.

What were Tan and Kwame doing after Tan said she needed things to be organized for Kandi's wedding?
Drinking cocktails inside a bar

What was Joyce doing before Sharon told her that she messed with the wrong person while they argued?
Waving her finger up in the air

What happened, in preview footage of next week's episode, as a woman in a yellow outfit was performing a dance?
Table she was on collapsed

What were Kandi and Todd doing while in marriage counseling, before Todd told Kandi that he was happy when she smiled?
Filling out a questionnaire in a binder

What was Reco doing after he told Kandi that he had his mother upstairs working for him?
Showing her materials for her dress

What was Sharon doing after Todd said Carmon was going to help Sharon out with it?
Trying on wigs in a boutique

What were Kandi, Carmon, and Tan doing after Carmon said that people always loose a friend when planning a wedding?
Looking at a cake inside a bakery

What were Kandi and Todd doing before Kandi said that she appreciated Carmon helping out with the wedding?
Preparing spaghetti in a kitchen

What was Todd doing while he was at home and talking to Sharon on his phone, before he hollered for Kandi's attention?
Placing white sheets on a bed

What did Sharon tell Kandi that Joyce needed to do before Kandi asked her how she and Joyce would get along?
Take a few medications

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06-20-2014, 01:58 PM