View Full Version : The Daily Show With Jon Stewart – Robert De Niro COMEDY 7:30PM

06-04-2014, 09:00 PM
What did Robert De Niro say he made Robert De.Niro, Sr. do after he said he saw De Niro, Sr. become unhappy?
-move back from living in Europe
What did Sarah Pope say she did before Samantha Bee said she was “definitely at rist” at being “free-range certified progressive”?
-hosted a video recipe of organic hair gel on her blog
What did Jon say people have done in regards to mass murders, after Jon said Dr. Kubler-Ross said it would happen?
-learned to just accept them
What did Robert De Niro say he asked Robert De Niro, Sr. to do before he said he didn’t think De Niro, Sr. would want to?
-make a menu for a grill
What did Samantha Bee jokingly do after she told Sarah Pope that people didn’t contract measles from horse feces?
-used an antacid to make foam come out of her mouth
What did Jon jokingly say Abdel Fattah el-Sisi did to get people to vote at polls, after Jon said pundits credited him for it?
-brought out a military tank
What was Samantha Bee doing before she said “left-leaning idiocy” was out there and wasn’t contained?
-placing caution tape across coffee shops
What was a dog doing, in a montage of news footage, while Samantha Bee, Jason Jones, and the other correspondents were dancing to music?
-surfing the ocean on a surfboard