View Full Version : 24:Live Another Day – Day 9:3:00 PM – 4:00PM FOX 9PM

05-27-2014, 05:53 AM
Note: FBI Agents drive in Jeep SUV’s in this episode
What did Chloe tell Morgan to do before Chloe said she didn’t know if she could find proof that a drone was hijacked?
-insert a flash drive into a computer
What did Naveed say he did after he said Margot recorded and sent out a video?
-made sure it was traceable
What did Harris say Capt. Cordero did, after he said he had to take Morgan off of the roster?
-filed a complaint against her
What did a man in a black coat do after he punched Naveed in his face, before he picked Naveed up off of the ground?
-kicked him several times
In a sponsored segment during this show, what were you given a chance to do during the current season of “24,” which was sponsored by a telecommunications company?
-connect to the show “like never before” by using a code
What did Harris do before his team entered into a building looking for Margot?
-kicked open a door
What did Chloe do after telling Morgan that she had proof Tanner’s drone was hijacked?
-sent her a series of pictures
-Sprint (phone Morgan was using)
What did Margot do to kill Naveed, after he said that Simone wouldn’t want her to kill him?
-fired a bullet into his head
What did Gen. Colburn say people could not do as he talked to Pres. Heller about several drones that had been hijacked?
-track or locate them in any way
What did Jack do before he apologized to Audrey, and before she started to cry?
-admitted he killed several people
What did Gen. Colburn say he thought Margot was doing as he showed Pres. Heller drone strike footage?
-crawling away from a wreckage