View Full Version : Mad Men – Waterloo AMC 10PM

05-26-2014, 05:25 AM
What did Ted ask if he could do as he contemplated continuing to work, before Roger initiated a partner vote to merge with McCann?
-move back to a city
What did Peggy do while Julio was at her house, before he told her that he was moving to Newark?
-showed him two different outfits
What was Sally doing before she kissed Neil while they were alone?
-looking into a telescope
What did Bert do in a daydream Don had, after Don saw him standing at the bottom of a stairwell after his passing?
-started to sing a song and dance
What did Don tell Peggy that he wanted her to do the next day, after he showed up at her hotel room at night?
-give a presentation
In a sponsored segment during this show, what happened in an office during a scenes from “Mad Men,” before an SUV was featured?
-secretary fell face-first onto her desk when a coworker found her dead, before another coworker noted that she “died like she lived”
-Lincoln MKC
What did Don’s secretary do before she became worried and then kissed him?
-handed him a breach of contract notice
What did a man from McCann tell Roger that he wanted to do, before Roger suggested he try to buy Sterling Cooper & Partners?
-acquire his whole team
What did Bert say that he didn’t do, as he talked about Roger’s skills, as they talked about what they were going to do about Jim?
-think that he was a leader
What did Ted do as he was showing two clients around, before Jim explained over the phone that he left them “distraught”?
-turned off an airplane’s engine midair
What did Roger do while in Bert’s office in the middle of the night, before he, Jim, and Joan talked about Bert’s death?
-removed his nameplate from the door