View Full Version : Castle – Close Encounters of the Murderous Kind TNT 9PM

05-09-2014, 07:06 AM
Note: Castle uses a Windows-based phone and the search engine Bing to look for locations off the New Jersey turn pike
What did Kate and Castle do at Marie Subbarow’s workplace, after Ms. Holder told them that Subbarow said something life changing had happened to her?
-stood outside of an altitude chamber
What did two mysterious agents do to Beckett and Castle, after Kate and Castle left the observatory?
-interrogated them separately in dark rooms
What did Benny Stryker tell Kate and Castle that Marie Subbarow had done the week before her death, as he spoke with them after leading a support group?
-picked up a signal on a telescope
What did Castle and Beckett do in the car, while discussing Marie Subbarow’s actions at the observatory?
-stopped after the battery died
What did Castle do, after Ted Carter brought him and Beckett a box of things that Marie Subbarow had returned to him?
-dropped an unmarked disc on the floor
What did Beckett tell Javier to do, after she followed up on his search for the murder weapon?
-find every industrial vacuum packer in town
-Bing (search engine Castle used on his Windows phone)
What did the unnamed federal agent say he thought that Maria Subbarow did, after he said he wasn’t interested in the photo Beckett and Castle showed him?
-intercepted classified military data
What did Lanie say she did during Marie Subbarow’s autopsy, when talking with Castle and Beckett afterward?
-found an object in her sinus cavity
What did Castle do to the Chinese agent, as a police officer handcuffed the agent on the ground?
-grabbed gum out of his mouth
-Twitter.com (new 6-10-14)
What did Beckett and Castle do when they entered Marie Subbarow’s office, after speaking with Benny Stryker at the support group he led?
-learned that everything had been seized
New 6-10-14:
What did Alexis say Ashley’s parent wanted to do with Castle, as he worked on a crossword puzzle at home?
-meet him before allowing a hiking trip

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