View Full Version : The Daily Show With Jon Stewart – Arianna Huffington COMEDY 7:30PM

03-26-2014, 07:35 AM
What did Sen. Alexander claim Dr. Murthy did during the “America Stands Its Ground” segment?
-tweeting some feelings about the NRA
What did a male reporter do, while discussing the missing Flight 370, before Jon warned Mary it “was a trap”?
-questioned the likelihood of a black hole
What did a reporter wearing glasses from CNN do after Jon said the station went “nuts” while reporting on Flight 370?
-stood in front of a holographic image
What did Erik Wemple claim that Bill O’Reilly did three nights in a single week, as he spoke about O’Reilly being nervous?
-lost in the demographic of younger viewers
What did Geraldo do in footage from “Fox News,” after explaining his theory on Flight 370’s problems?
-pretended he was struggling to breathe
What did Arianna Huffington tell Jon not to do if he woke up in the middle of the night cuddling his wife?
-look over at his smart phone
What did Arianna Huffington do after Jon held up a copy of her new book “Thrive”?
-described the metrics of success
What did a reporter claim an Ohio boy did, during the “America Stands Its Ground” segment, before he was suspended from school?
-pointed his finger like a gun

04-01-2014, 06:19 AM