View Full Version : The Colbert Report – Meryl Davis and Charlie White COMEDY 7PM

02-28-2014, 07:18 AM
What did Lawrence Kobilinsky do before coming to the conclusion that a Gumby statue had disappeared?
-analyzed its remaining limb
What did Bob Malkin say that he did, before discovering that his statue of Gumby was gone?
-heard his dog barking at something
What did Phil Fisher say that he wasn’t going to do despite his Gumby statue being taken from him?
-return to drinking incessantly
What did Stephen do, after bringing up Hilary Clinton’s age and Ronadl Regan’s age during his time in office?
-compared Robert Redford to a wallet
What did Rush Limbaugh say that he did in order to highlight Hillary Clinton’s age, in a scene from his radio show?
-posted a picture of her face
What did Charlie White tell Steven that he was doing which led to him sustaining a broken ankle?
-playing a game of hockey
What was Steven doing as he asked Maryl Davis if it could be defined as a “twizzle”?
-spinning around in an office chair
What did Stephen report that Michelle Obama had successfully inspired children to do?
-exercise while on stationary tricyles

03-04-2014, 03:50 PM