View Full Version : Underworld: Awakening FX 8PM

02-16-2014, 09:50 AM
What did Selene do after Quint, in Lycan form, shrunk down in order to chase her?
-stuck a silver grenade into his chest cavity
What did Subject Two do after being bitten on the neck by a Lycan, while she was fleeing with Selene and David in a van?
-tore its head into two halves
What did Quint do after Dr. Lane told Lida that she had helped save his entire species from extinction?
-lifted her up and snapped her neck
What did Selene do, after saying that David knew protecting Subject Two from the Lycans was worth dying for?
-cut open his chest to restart his heart
What did Subject Two do after Olivia, while examining her, noted that she had no origin bite marks or scars?
-drank blood from her wrist
What was Det. Sebastian doing before he told another detective that he should question him less?
-examining a dead body
What did Selene do during her escape from Antigen, after a man in a white lab coat instructed armed guards to let her go?
-jumped from a window onto a moving vehicle
What did Selene do after an armed man shot Michael while Michael was a Lycan?
-dove into the water after him
What did Selene do after Dr. Lane asked two men if Subject Two was okay, while trying to escape from the Antigen facility?
-rammed the side of a white van
What was Subject Two doing before Selene entered her room and explained that her heart was not cold, but just broken?
-cutting her arm with a knife blade

03-16-2014, 12:19 PM